The Garden Of Reflection

After Darkness...                                           Light


 The Official Pennsylvania Memorial to the Victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks


Three Header Buttons

Fundraising Events



Steven Singer Jewelers 

I Hate Steven Singer” 

Remembering 9/11 Always and Forever

Steven Singer worked in conjunction with The Garden of Reflection and Michael Smerconish with the sale of his commemorative 911 pin. We are sold out and thankful. 

Steven designed, manufactured, and delivered the pin. He then donated the entire $10 pin sale price to The Garden of Reflection Remembrance Fund endowment! In total, our dear friend Steven Singer donated over $300,000 to the endowment to preserve the memorial in perpetuity. What a great guy! You should let him know at his Facebook page here. That’s why we say “We LOVE Stephen Singer!”

The 9-11 Memorial Garden of Reflection is thankful to Steven Singer, to Michael Smerconish and to you for your support of the Remembrance Fund endowment to preserve the memorial in perpetuity.




For 18 years we held our golf outings which were proudly sponsored by

Janney Montgomery Scott, LLC

and so many other supporters over the years of outings. 


Our outings proved to be a “hole in one” and have aided us in our efforts to a self-sustaining memorial through the Remembrance Fund endowment. Our goal is to always remember and honor those not with us today because of the tragedy on September 11, 2001. The endowment fund is designed to support the maintenance of the memorial in perpetuity through money generated through this fund. Our heartfelt thanks to all who helped us fill our outing each year and showed us your loving support for so many years!


Thank you to those who participated.

McCaffrey’s Market owner Jim & Lisa McCaffrey and nationally Syndicated TV and Radio host Michael & Lavinia Smerconish agreed to each match any one-time gift to the “Remembrance Fund” endowment!  

Jim and Michael are Board Members for the 9-11 Memorial Garden of Reflection, Inc., a non-profit established to protect The Garden. They agreed to match up to $25,000 in matching donations for the Remembrance Fund endowment.  This endowment  will provide for the maintenance and upkeep of The Gardenin perpetuity, ensuring future generations can enjoy this exquisite memorial as we do today. 

Jim McCaffrey said: “The Garden has always been near and dear to me. Especially in these difficult times, Lisa and I are excited to be able to match gifts to the Remembrance Fund to provide for the perpetual care of this very meaningful memorial. It’s great to know that this endowment will allow The Garden of Reflection to continue long after we are all gone.